How to Make Your Wish Come True

How to Make Your Wish Come True: 9 Steps to Manifestation

7 minutes, 24 seconds Read

You have an entire list of wishes and want to know how to make your wish come true. It is not as challenging as it sounds. You can manifest your desires with the steps mentioned below.

Wishes do come true!

We are fascinated by shooting stars, eyelashes, and birthday candles for some reason. Don’t we immediately make a wish as soon as we spot a shooting star, see an eyelash, or blow candles on a birthday cake? We always do. That is natural as all of us have one or the other wish that we yearn to have fulfilled. Be it studying abroad, getting a dream job, a loved one cured of an illness, having a relationship materialize, or visit an exotic destination. But who has the key to fulfill these distant dreams?

There is no magic lantern to fulfill these. Let us discover the truth about making a wish come true. However, an evidence-based tool called WOOP is known to have worked in this case. WOOP is an acronym for Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, and Plan. Studies reveal that with WOOP people can bring positive changes in their lives by assuming obstacles in the path of their wishes and creating a solid plan.

To make your wishes come true, let’s see how you can use this special approach.

How to Make Your Wish Come True

How to Make Your Wish Come True 9 Steps to Manifestation







You can bring positivity to your life by anticipating obstacles and formulating a plan to beat those. And yes, it is as easy as done. The special technique is WOOP (Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan). Use it to know how to make your wish come true, which is no joke. Here is how:

1. Identify Your Wish

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Our deepest requirements emerge as our wishes. Research by Gabriele Oettingen – a psychology professor at New York University, who is also the author of ‘Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation has confirmed this fact.

Begin with identifying your wish. Go to a quiet place and introspect. Think of various areas of your life; work, relationship, ambition, or anything, and ponder on the reason for your joy. Your wish should be deeply meaningful, which you can fulfill.

2. Visualize the Result

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Enhance your ability to fulfill your wish by understanding how to make wishes come true instantly. You can do this by being motivated and confident. And for this, the most powerful tool is visualization. Simply visualize as if your wish has come true. Do it consistently to understand how to make a wish come true in 1 minute.

Include the best possible imagery while visualizing such as sound, smell, sight, etc. and whenever, you find yourself going low on motivation and confidence that your wish will ever come true, visualize it being fulfilled again. This will boost you and the chances of your wish being fulfilled.

3. Accept the Obstacle

how to make your wish come true by praying






To manifest your dreams, don’t ignore the obstacles that stand in the way. Don’t fear but believe yourself. You have to get rid of the insecurity that is holding you back from fulfilling your wish. You might unleash the power to the way that guides you to how to make an impossible wish come true

Identify the obstruction of your dream. You can do it by talking to someone you trust, writing it down, or thinking deeply about it. For instance, if you feel you lack something that takes to create a documentary, you might not feel good about spending more time on some other project.

4. Make A Plan

how do you make your wish come true






Now when you have identified your dream, visualized the result, and realized the obstacle; it’s time to take some action. Identify the way you will overcome the obstacle and bring any change that will take you closer to your dream.

Go with an “If, then” statement. For instance, “If I couldn’t find time to work out, then I will make time for it as it matters the most.” Write it somewhere and place it somewhere you are frequently reminded about it. If self-doubt clouds your determination, this practice will keep you motivated.

Divide your big wish into a goal of few months. For instance, if you want to get into shape, decide how much you want to lose overall to be in shape. Plan your diet and workout, and chalk out the weight that you will lose in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd month.

Bonus Steps to Turn Your Wishes into Reality

Apart from WOOP, there are some other steps that can fulfill your wishes. Let us go through these steps to come close to the fulfillment of your dreams and desires.

1) Wish before Sleeping

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Make a wish at the ripe time so that it comes true. Your bedtime is among the best times to wish. At this time, your mind is in a unique state – hypnagogia that occurs just before you slip into sleep. This is an approach to how to make your wish come true by praying.

When you wish at this time and imagine that it came true, you gain the power to fulfill it. While making a wish, pray with faith that opens the doors for fulfillment. This practice will pull your deep desire closer towards turning into reality.

2) Pen Your Wish

a wish spell






Make a prayer diary, where you mention your wishes. This is a technique that tells how to make a wish come true with paper. Mention the details of your wishes as if those have come true. Jot down the feeling as if having your dream fulfilled. For instance, if you want to earn more or marry your beloved, write – “I received $ 5,000.” Or “I am engaged to the love of my life.”

As you write your wishes, your intentions are given focus by the universe. Make sure that your wishes are simple and direct. Devote a good time to write those and imagine as if all have come true. With time, the focus leads to manifestation as the power lies in persistence and repetition. And most importantly, keep your prayer diary carefully so that no one has access to it.

3) Use the “Glass of Water” Technique

wishes come true





Your wishes can come true with a simple glass of water. Simply fill a glass with drinking water. Rub your hands together as it activates the energy field. Place your hands around the glass. Say your wish in this position, while keeping it direct. Stay focused on the glass and imagine your wish being fulfilled.

Now gulp the water as quickly as possible. Drinking this water transfers wishful energy into your body. Do it twice a day, preferably in the morning and at night. It is believed that small wishes are fulfilled within weeks and big ones come true in few months. A hydrating way to the practice of how to make your wish come true fast.

4) Pray to Angel Feather

how to make your dreams come true






To have your wish fulfilled, pray earnestly to angel feather. If you are wondering, what is an angel feather; it is a white and small feather that is released from a down jacket or pillow, and sticks to your clothes. This is the technique to how to make your wish come true that 100% works in most of cases.

In case, you find one, put it in your palm like you do while wishing with an eyelash, make a wish, and blow it. It is believed that this feather takes your wishes to the angels and thus what you want comes true.

5) Catch the Time at 11:11

make my wish come true tonight






Have you ever noticed the clock striking at 11:11? If not yet, try to do so and if you do, immediately make a wish as this is a magical time. The oneness of humanity is symbolized by 11:11. However, do not set reminders for this time. It will work only if you have complete faith in the fate that drives you to notice 11:11 specifically. This will also help you experience that mystical moment to make your wish come true.

In a nutshell, you have to stand up to make your wishes come true. Stop sitting and hoping for the desired result. Instead, unleash the energy of the universe with the secret of focus so that you can experience the desired reality being manifested.

It should be kept in mind that these approaches don’t claim the magic of any sort. The idea to mention these approaches is to induce your wishes to the universe in complete faith in order to come true. Stay positive and trust that universe will work its way to grant your wishes. Through the power of wishes create the life of your dreams.





Nidhi Lyall

I am Nidhi, a professional content writer for a couple of years. My passion for writing inspired me to come up with this blog. As a person who has been through challenges of life, I know it is difficult at many times. So, this blog book brings you smart solutions and hacks to everyday challenges of life. It also serves you a generous dollop of entertainment when you steal some leisure time. So, grab this blog book, which is boxed with ideas to ease things for you.

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